Know which vegetables are good for weight loss and which are not!

Having a diet rich in vegetables can promote weight loss as they are higher in fiber content and low in calories. But did you know some vegetables could hinder or slow down your weight loss process?

Read to know what veggies should you eat and what are best limited or avoided while on weight loss.

Vegetables you should include in your weight loss meals are:

Eat Your Greens!


Spinach being low in calories and high in fibers promote digestion and burns extra calories. High fiber content regulates blood sugar levels and cleanses your bowel.


Cabbage is high in water and fibers. They act as a negative calorie food; your body burns more calories than consumed. 100 grams of cabbage is known to have 25 calories.


Cauliflower is also a low-calorie vegetable that contains approx. 27 calories per cup. It also prevents you from overeating and makes you feel full.


Broccoli is a low carbohydrate vegetable and good in protein content, this makes it a qualified vegetable for weight loss. Broccoli also contains some natural plant compounds which stimulate weight loss and burn body fats.


Mushrooms are known to be low-calorie as they are high in fiber and water. Mushrooms are also packed with some amount of proteins thus helping to regulate blood glucose levels.


Carrots are high-fiber root vegetables with fewer calories and are a good source of beta-carotene and other nutrients. It is an ideal weight-loss vegetable.

Vegetables That You Should Avoid Or Limit While On Weight Loss:

Some starchy vegetables contain more calories and lesser nutrients.

White Potatoes:

White Potatoes are the highest in starch content and can spike blood sugar levels immediately on consumption. Thus, increasing the risk of weight gain and inflammation.


Peas are high in complex sugar called raffinose which is difficult to digest. They can also cause gastric issues and discomfort due to their high fiber content.


Corn is also high in starch, which may cause weight gain as they are high in calories.